Death in the Afternoon: Bullfighting has returned to Mexico City

Bullfights has returned to the Mexican capital Ciudad de México. But not only it flooded the Plaza de toros arena with blood, but also streets with people protesting against violence against animals.
Plaza de Toros in the central zone of Ciudad de México is the biggest bullfighting arena in the world. It seats up to 42 thousands spectators. But in recent years it has been used exclusively for purposes other than corrida.

Until now, when the court first allowed bullfighting to return to the capital. Then it reversed its decision, and then it reversed the reversals. So, on the first Sunday in February, those interested in this bloody spectacle native to Spain could enjoy themselves.
But they had to accept being booed on the way to the arena by a crowd of several dozen animal rights activists. With transarents and improvised musical instruments, they shouted at the visitors that they were murderers and psychopaths if they supported such entertainment with their participation.
Below you can see the photos I took on the place:

Protest against the return of bullfighting to Mexico City. (Foto: Václav Lang)